Visit Sudirman Saputra at How To Root Telstra Motorola Xoom Honeycomb 3.1 | Gunting Batu Kertas Kendari
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How To Root Telstra Motorola Xoom Honeycomb 3.1

Root Telstra Motorola Xoom Running Honeycomb 3.1

How To Root Telstra Motorola Xoom Honeycomb 3.1
In case you have Motorola Xoom from Telstra and are looking to gain root privileges after latest Android3.1 Honeycomb update, then you problem is solved. I am writing this post because there is currently no information on rooting the Telstra specified Motorola Xoom from the Stock 3.1 and still keeping 3G (the latest 3.1 update, not the problematic one). Since I don’t have enough post to be able to write in 

1. The first step is to make sure that you have the Motorola Xoom STOCK 3.1, N_01.83.35P, H.6.3-25-5 or you can move back to stock, flash everyback from and receive the official OTA update.
2. Please make sure before doing this root  that you have already UNLOCKED your Motorola Xoom bootloader. This will wipe your device out so be very careful.
3. Download this file which contain the new unsecured boot, su and superuser.apk file
4. Enable USB Debugging on your Xoom
5. Open command prompt, write the following code:
adb reboot bootloader
6. Now your AU Xoom will reboot, continue to type this:
fastboot flash boot newtelstraboot.img
fastboot flash reboot
7. Wait for your AU Xoom to reboot to HC. Open your command prompt, type this:
adb shell su /system/bin
adb shell ln –s /system/bin/su /system/xbin/su
adb shell chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
adb push Superuser.apk /system/app
8. Now you got root on your Australian Xoom from Telstra with working 3G.

If you need further assistance please feel free to contact the developers here.


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