If you are facing some issues with your android usb drivers, when ever you try to access adb it says device not found. Then i have a better solution for you guys. This is a step by step guide to fix this issue. Please follow the instructions as mentioned in the images and text below to fix this issue. If you face any issues with the following processes please feel free to contact me for further assistance.
You will know when you have the wrong drivers installed when you have
- Turned debugging on on the Vega (Settings->Applications->Development->USB Debugging ticked)
- You have the device connected via USB
- You have downloaded Pauls ROM and unzipped it, opened a command prompt at that directory
- you have copied adb-windows.exe to adb.exe
- You see the following (or something mentioning server started) at the command prompt
Instructions To Fix This Issue:
We now have to replace a single driver in the system. To do this, you need to bring up the Device Manager. Open Control Panel
select Hardware and Sound to give you
and select Device Manager. Once in Device manager, you should see Universal Serial Bus controllers with a small triangle to the left. Click that to display the list:
The one you want to update the driver for is “Android Debug Bridge”. If you see this device or know which one you want to update as you’ve found it somewhere else, please skip to the line below with the words END OF YOU ONLY NEED TO DO THIS IF YOU CAN’T FIGURE OUT WHICH DEVICE TO UPDATE highlighted. If you can’t see this device, or can’t figure out which device to update, you will need to follow the instructions that follow.
Some people don’t see this device and can’t find which device they need to update. There is a way to figure out which device needs updating (or at l;east this should work). Firstly, you will need a free tool USBDeview available from http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/usb_devices_view.html. It is free and is a standalone program (so doesn’t need installing onto your system). Run that, and you are presented with all the USB drivers that are installed in your system. Here is mine with the Vega disconnected (apologies for the size, but I don’t have a webhost I can get to display full sized images – the information is readable though)
I have sorted on VendorID (column 12 – just click on the column header). You can see there are 3 USB drivers in the system for this device. The drivers all have the same VendorID and ProductID which means they are for a single device (Nvidia is vendor ID 0955). You can see there is a “Composite USB device” and a “USB mass storage device” and there should be a third. It’s name will be different to the one shown in my photo, but it will have the same VendorID and ProductID (columns 12 and 13 in my picture). It is this device you need to update the drivers for. To find it, you will have to search for it in the other collapsed device categories in the Device Manager window. Then update that device instead of the “Android Debug Bridge Interface” below.
Select the Android Debug Bridge Interface and right click to give:
Select update driver to give:
and select “Browse my computer for driver software” to give:
and select “Browse my computer for driver software” to give:
The important thing to do now is not let the computer try and find the correct driver, but to pick one yourself. To do this you should have:
- Downloaded Pauls rom with driver
- Unzipped (right click, unzip) this to a directory
- Entered into the directory to see a usbdriver directory
- Entered that directory and unzipped the zip file that is in there.
This will put the USB drivers in the directory: <wherever-you-have-put-the-download>\usbdriver\usb_driver
Clicking on “Let me pick” will bring you to:
Now the important part, you have to tell it where to find the drivers. Click “Have Disk” and browse to the directory: <wherever-you-have-put-the-download>\usbdriver\usb_driver (you can see that my <wherever-you-have-put-the-download> is Z:\vega\modaco\r4-default)
The system should present you with the next screen.
Select the “Android Composite ADB Interface” and click Next.
The system should go away and think for a while and present you with:
Click Clsoe and the device manager should refresh and you should now have Android Phone at the top of the Device Manager
You can check this is working by going back to the command prompt you had at the start and you should see:
The important thing to do is to force it to find the files you have downloaded. If you let it search automatically, it WILL find the wrong driver.
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