Blogs SEO tip 1:- Keyword & Phrase
First of all select a keyword or phrase. The keyword/Phrase should be unique and people should be searching it. You can take the help of Google Adword to select it.
Now you might be asking the question “How it will help?” Searcher will not search for the keywords he will most of the time he will search for phrases. If there phrase is same as you’re the ranking will be good.
The phrase you have selected should be in the URL, Title and Meta description and in the first paragraph of your blog. If it is possible make the keyword phrase the beginning of your title.
Blogs SEO tip 2:- Keyword Density
How many keyword should I select? Every blogger thinks about it when he is choosing the keyword. The answer is It depends on you blog how many you can. You should select at least 3 to 4 percent of your blog words. Means if you have blog of 500 words you should select at least 15 to 20 keywords.
Blogs SEO tip 3:- Flesch Reading Easy
Flesch Reading Easy is designed to check the readability of an article. If your article score higher it get higher rank in Search engines. If you want to know how to check it in word click here. The Score indication are as following.
90.0–100.0 | easily understood by an average 11-year-old student |
60.0–70.0 | easily understood by 13- to 15-year-old students |
0.0–30.0 | best understood by university graduates |
Blogs SEO tip 4:- No Stop Keyword
SEO Stop words dilute the weight attributed to your other keywords by the search engine algorithm. The search engines ignore SEO Stop words as they are deemed irrelevant and unnecessary. For example, you could have two options for the title of a blog post, such as:
- I Take a Tour of the Best Restaurants In Pittsburgh
- Pittsburgh’s Best Restaurants Tour
You’ll notice that the first option has ten (10) total keywords, five (5) of which are SEO Stop words. The second option uses none.
Blogs SEO tip 5:- Article length
The blog length should be 300 to 600. Because the content on your page should be easy to consume. Your blog should be well structured in this range by which reader will easy be able to understand. If the blog gose beyond 600 I prefer to create 2 blogs as part 1 and 2.
Blogs SEO tip 6:- Title length
As you know the title is very important in SEO. But how long it should be. I would say it should be between 40 to 70 characters. Minimum it should be 40 so that you can stuff it with keywords and phrase. It shouldn’t be more than 70 because google can show up to 70 character in the search results. The perfect title will give you better ranking then your competitor.
Blogs SEO tip 7:- Meta Description
Meta Description is the text which is shown under the search result. The length should be 156. And it should contain you keywords and phrases. The Meta description should be appealing the reader and searching engine at the same time.
Blogs SEO tip 8:- Outbound Link
You should have more inbound link and less outbound link but the theory is not correct according to the Google’s Matt Cutts. He posted an article on his blog in which he stated that “in the same way that Google trusts sites less when they link to spammy sites or bad neighbourhoods, parts of our system encourage links to good sites.”
In other word it is good to provide the outbound link as long as you link to a good page ranked site.
Blogs SEO tip 9:- H1 and H2
You should be having the H1 and H2 tag in your blog. It will help google to ranking the page.
Blogs SEO tip 10:- Images
Images are the very important part of the blog. Some time the google list your blog because you have the search query in your image title or alt. The keyword or phrase should be in one of the alt tag of the images.
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