Visit Sudirman Saputra at How To Root LG G-Slate | Gunting Batu Kertas Kendari
Thursday, October 3, 2013

How To Root LG G-Slate

How To Root LG G-Slate
The G-Slate is a standard Honeycomb tablet with 8.9-inch 1280 x 800 pixel screen with Wi-Fi and T-Mobile 4G HSPA+ support. It also has a built-in Wi-Fi radio and 32GB of storage. It is 9.6 inches long and .5 inches thick and weighs a surprisingly hefty (for its size) 22 ounces.
Rooting Lg-G Slate was not that easy before finally a developer came up with an easy way of rooting Lg G-Slate. This process works under Linux. The hard part under Windows would be mounting a file as an ext4 filesystem, but if you can do that you win.


  1. Download G-Slate Rooting Files from here
  2. Put those four files in a directory and open a terminal to there.
  3. Shut down your G-Slate and plug it into your computer via USB.
  4. Hold down both volume buttons and press the power button. The G-Slate will not appear to turn on, but it’ll go into APX mode.
  5. Running “lsusb” should show an entry “0955:7820 NVidia Corp.”
  6. Run the command “sudo su” to get a root shell. Running “ls” should still show the four files.
  7. ./nvflash –bl bootloader.bin –getpartitiontable ptable.txt
  8. ./nvflash -r –read 8 system-orig.img
  9. Wait while 400 meg of data copies.
  10. cp system-orig.img system.img
  11. mkdir system
  12. mount -o loop system.img system
  13. cp su system/bin
  14. chmod 4755 system/bin/su
  15. cp Superuser.apk system/app
  16. umount system
  17. ./nvflash -r –download 8 system.img
  18. Wait while it copies back.
  19. ./nvflash -r –sync
  20. Press the reset button under the sim cover to reboot.


  • You may need to install the package libstdc++6 or lib32stdc++6 to get nvflash to run.
  • You may need to use “sudo” on the nvflash commands.
  • If you want to try to make this work on Windows, the nvflash.exe binary and the APX USB drivers are are available from


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