How To Root Samsung Galaxy 3 Running Android 2.2 FroYo
Most widely used Root tool for android devices is Z4root. Z4root is one of the easiest ways to root most Android phones, but this rooting method does not work on Samsung Galaxy 3 if it is running Android 2.2 FroYo. There are many other alternative ways to achieve root on samsung galaxy 3. Using the following guide, you can easily root as well as unroot your Galaxy 3 running FroYo, courtesy of the community at XDA-Developers forums.To root your phone:
- Download ‘SuperOneClick v1.5 from here, and extract the contents of to a folder on your computer.
- Run the ‘SuperOneClick’ application from the contents of the extracted folder.
- Power your phone OFF and connect it to your computer via USB. Do NOT turn the phone on yet.
- In Superoneclick, click the ‘Root’ button and wait till it says ‘Waiting for device’.
- Switch your phone on now and wait till SuperOneClick detects it.
- Wait while SuperOneClick reboots your phone for the rooting process, and you’re done. Your phone is now rooted.
- Once your phone has been rooted, download ‘BusyBox’ here , extract the .apk file from the zip archive and install it to your phone, and that should fix any slowdown issues that you might come across after rooting.
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