Setting / Moving to Blogger Custom Domain (TLD)
Custom domain is a domain that is unique. Domain means it has an identity that is not the same as other and made in accordance with the wishes of the creator of the domain. Custom domain name is also attached to the term Top Level Domain (TLD) or domain with the top level and has only one extension (. Com,. Net,. Information, etc.). Each website has a right to a domain with a custom domain desired condition is not owned / ordered by others.This article contains tutorials how to change / replace subdomain blog platform Blogger ( into top level domain ( There are many benefits to be had from using a custom domain / TLD, such as to demonstrate professionalism blogs, blogs priorities, as well as releasing attributes provided by the platform subdomain blog service. However, it does not mean that using subdomains unprofessional. I personally keep subdomains on this blog because it is very comfortable and does not reduce any value. But if my friend had never been and wanted to try to use a custom domain on a blog, my friend can follow this tutorial.
Excellence using Blogger is that we do not need to bother hiring a web host to store files for Blogger blogs still provide free hosting service just like when using a subdomain. So you need to do is change the domain only.
There are three steps to use and modify / redirect Blogger blog platform to a new custom domain:
1. Buying and preparing for a custom domain in webhosting / domain hosting / domain providers.
2. Setting the DNS through the DNS manage features.
3. Adding and do a redirect to a custom domain through Blogger settings.
Preparing Domain
Buddy can buy domains on the web service provider / domain hosting anywhere as you wish, can use the extension. Com,. Net,. U.S.,. Info,. U.S.,. Asia,. Me, etc.. Domain specific and the like, my friend can buy it through a web services / domain hosting or directly book to PANDI. Prices vary depending on the domain extension. Every web hosting definitely provides domain purchasing services without hosting. Upon entry to the webhosting site, select the menu provided to the domain purchase (usually menu named "Domain"). Select the domain extension and type the name as desired. If the domain is available / available (not owned / others) friend can proceed directly to the purchase transaction. Do not forget the message also feature "Manage DNS" (usually free and one with the domain). Its function is to direct IP, domain and subdomain (ie www). Purchase transaction is similar to other online transactions. So no need to explain here. Once the transaction is verified and completed, my friend will get access to the panel (Cpanel kind) for setting up and controlling the DNS domain and hosting already purchased.
Note: before the purchased domain should note the important stuff first before choosing / buying a domain. I personally, used to use the services of a NameCheap domain, because it is quite cheap but very complete feature and many are free.
Setting up DNS
Buddy needs to redirect and domain together with the IP server where your blog is hosted, in this case Google's servers.
There are 3 kinds of settings in DNS: A record, CNAME, and MX Record. To point the domain, we use the A record and CNAME to direct IP to redirect subdomain (www). Here I use the example of an image on the setting of the client belongs domains hosted on a web hosting. There will be a slight difference in appearance managed DNS feature of each web hosting, but essentially the same thing.
a. Set up a subdomain (www) on CNAME
Blogger does not allow blogs hosted on Blogger using the naked domain directly, so we have to set up and use the www subdomain.
-Select the DNS CNAME to manage, create a new column, and enter the www in front of domain names. Then fill in the value / hostname with
- Save settings.
b. The second step is the Google redirect domain to IP.
Actually, my friend can directly lead to the Blogger domain that has been configured in a www CNAME through, but it would be problematic if the visitor goes through because the domain without the www redirect feature often fails if the domain without the www (naked domain) is not directed in advance.
- Select A Record menu to manage DNS, create four columns and enter the following Google-owned IP server in the "Destination IP" (IP destination):
- Then save the settings.
Up here, setting custom domain has been completed. At least it took a few hours to 24 hours for DNS resolving and propagation (update the new settings). So that the domain can not be used directly for granted.
Custom Redirect Blog to a New Domain
At this stage, my friend should wait until the DNS settings on the resolves or leads to a new destination because if the blog directly geared to the new domain before DNS resolves, visitors will see the error log.
To add and redirect the blog to a new domain, setting needs to be done through the Blogger dashboard:
a. Go to dashboard> settings menu select the blog you want to be the new domain> This menu directly to the basic submenu.
b. Look to the right on the publishing> blog address.
c. Click add a custom domain / domain add ubahsuasian.
d. Skip buy a domain feature because it already has its own hosted domain and directly click advanced setting.
e. Enter the domain name (with www) and click save.
f. After-save, click "edit" to the right of the new domain name. Under the domain name will have the option "Redirect to", this is a later work naked domain redirect to www. Tick the checkbox next to it, then save again.
Well, now all the stages of setting new blog domain Blogger has been completed. New domains are to be used by a friend and visitors.
Knowledge base - What you should know about Custom Domain in Blogger:
1. Bloggers using automatic redirect feature. When visitors enter through the domain name ( long, he will be redirected to the new domain, so my friend does not need to worry about losing the old visitors.
2. Used type of redirect is a 301 redirect (permanent redirect) so good for the search engines and SEO efforts. Link juice will lead to all the new url so pagerank and SERP ranking will be transferred to the url / page / new domain, of course, within a specified period (usually within 1-3 months) after all the redirect "sniff" by the search engines.
If there is a problem, please ask via the comments or directly related to the CS domain / web hosting where my friend bought it. They will help to swiftly domain settings wrong.
In the future I will share a tutorial to create subdomains via CNAME, create a custom email through the MX Record, and some tips tricks other domains. So, do not miss it! And, of course, have a nice blogging, as always ...
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