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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Tips Happy Life Without Stress

Stress is a trigger for the onset of various diseases in the human body. A survey conducted by a physician to prove that stress causes heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, gout and others.

"At present, ranging from kindergarten children to retired people must have experienced stress. Well there are several ways you can avoid stress and enjoy your life to be happier," says psychiatrist, Dr. Vihang Vahia, as reported Healthmeup page.

1. follow routines
Proper routine will make your job easier. If you face a difficult situation, then do not worry too much about it. Worry can cause mental problems and hinder your performance.

2. make a list
Make a list of all the things that make you happy and help increase your positive energy. This technique will help relieve your stress.

3. Discuss your problem
Talk about what a burden you with people you trust. By talking, can help relieve your feelings.

4. positive thinking
Positive thinking allows us to see the problem becomes clearer.

5. be optimistic
There is no problem that can not be solved, as long as you try to solve the problem.

6. Do the things that make you happy
Listen to music, watch movies, read, or do anything that makes you happy and unhappy, because it will help you avoid stress.

7. Settle down with worship
Do not forget the Lord, that our hearts become calm and peaceful

8. meditation
Meditation is one of the best ways to avoid stress. Meditate for 20 minutes will make you fresh and relaxed.


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